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Et al in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+1Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: et al.petalmetalvegetallet aloneget alongmetallicretaliateMeaning: adv. 1. and others (used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masculine plural) or `et aliae' (feminine plural) or `et alia' (neutral plural) when referring to a number of people) 2. and elsewhere (used when referring to other occurrences in a text) et al.. adv. 1. and others (used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masculine plural) or `et aliae' (feminine plural) or `et alia' (neutral plural) when referring to a number of people) 2. and elsewhere (used when referring to other occurrences in a text). 
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(121) Method:219 cases were analyzed with demonology, classification, reasons for application, mental checkup situation, et al.
(122) The parameters include generator polynomial of component codes, interleave length and the type of interleavers, iterative decoding algorithms and iteration number, code rates and channel models et al.
(123) A similar placebo-controlled double-blind study was performed with Hirudoid forte in 40 patients with infusion thrombophlebitis (Schedel et al. ).
(124) In examining the mechanisms behind this finding, Tietsche et al. found that unusually large amounts of heat indeed accumulate in the ocean during the ice-free summer.
(125) This paper discusses free access to English LIS resources in terms of institution website, open access journals, academic meeting, project, blog , Listserv et al.
(126) Applications of auxiliary processes, in terms of abrading, polishing, wax finishing, sealant coating, paint spraying, wax spraying and et al, in coating automobiles are reviewed.
(127) Recently the evolution range of the Changjiang estuary decrease due to the constructions that the Three Gorge, bank revetment, the Deep-Water Channel Project et al.
(128) Methods Three incision vitrectomy with intraocular foreign bodies extraction and retinal reattachment, endophotocoagulation, C3F8 intraocular injection and silicone oil tamponade , et al.
(129) Succinic acid, a intermediate in citric acid cycle, is produced by microbial metabolism. It has widely potential and practical use in several fields, such as medicine, food, chemistry et al.
(130) This observation coincides with the results of Torres et al.
(131) Tsutsumimoto et al. used MRI to assess the multifidus muscle in patients treated with a posterior lumbar interbody fusion21.
(132) In an additional placebo controlled double-blind study the efficacy of Hirudoid cream was assessed in treating superficial thrombophlebitis developing after continuous infusion (Metha et al. ).
(133) Are they non-toxic to humans, the environment, both?I've found conflicting information about the toxicity of ingredients like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (which Lush would call a "safe synthetic") et al.
(134) Kojima et al. 28 and Ozer and Peterson19 presented cases of phalangeal osteochondroma that were associated with decreased range of motion, which was largely restored postoperatively.
(135) Sits is good on substitution mat's Wan Hou, Zhang Peng et al. eye covetously , waited for that assumes an awe-inspiring pose the opportunity.
(136) Acrolein is an important intermediate for the synthesis of methionine and 1,[ ] 3-propanediol et al.
(137) The contents of the course include Medicine, Sugary, Gynemetrics, and Paediatrics, et al.
(138) Wang Zhonghua et al. Robust Adaptive Deadzone Compensation of DC Servo System. Submitted to IEE Proceeding for Control Theory and Application.
(139) GDM seriously threatens the health of pregnant women, fetus and neonates, which can easily lead to macrosomia, polyhydramnios, gestational hypertension and neonatal complications et al.
(140) In this dissertation, the methodology from the system energy view can be applied to the relative motion study of the celestial bodies, the tethered satellites systems, et al.
(141) But, when the researchers followed up the same people 3 years later, these effects had disappeared (Kraut et al., 2002).
(142) Tallstedt et al. (2) reported in 1992 that radioiodine treatment was associated with an increased risk for TAO compared with both medical therapy and surgical thyroidectomy.
(143) A new kind of water soluble thioxanthone photoinitiator is prepared. This compound is identified by UV, IR, NMR et al.
(144) Recent research has showed that some Chinese herds such as curcumin, cortex phellodendri, psoralen et al, have photodynamic reaction.
(145) Remarkably, you can often trust Facebook profiles; Back et al., (2010) found that Facebook profiles generally reflected their owner's actual rather than idealised selves.
(146) The determinations of oxalic acid are aqueous titration, chromatography, fluorimetric method, et al.
(147) The different determinations of calcium are aqueous titration , voltammetry, optical spectrographic method, ion chromatography, et al.
(148) Reprinted from Felson DT , Anderson JJ , Boers M , et al.
(149) Geller et al. 122 proposed that the question of precursor test can be addressed using a Bayesian approach where each failed attempt at prediction lowers the apriori probability for the next attempt.
(150) Organic Light-emitting Diode(OLED), possessing many kind of advantages, and market competitive potentials over LCD and PDP et al, is called the third generation display technology.
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